Printable Cards for Frontliners and COVID19 Patients

Coloring pages and printables for children of all abilities

What You'll Get

  • Coloring pages and printable worksheets
  • THANK YOU card templates for Frontliners
  • GET WELL SOON card templates for Covid19 Patients

Course Curriculum

Course Pricing



  • Printable coloring pages and directed drawing sheets



Individualized  and group  Art workshops for children of all abilities

Private drawing and painting parties, events, and content creation. 

Art Education Training for Parents and Teachers


Teacher Precious

Precious Jewel Gamboa -Tizon, LPT 

"Encouraing Positive Change in People's Lives through Art"

Teacher Precious is a special education art teacher who advocates positive change in people's lives through Art. She received her Diploma in Art Education from Nara University of Education in Japan as a scholar of the Monbusho Japanese Government Teacher Training Program. She graduated cum laude from the University of the Philippines, Diliman, with a degree in Secondary Education, major in Special Education. She also took Fine Arts major in Visual Communication in the same university as her second degree to learn the fundamentals of art and design. In 2010, Teacher Precious ranked 6th place in the Licensure Exam for Teachers (L.E.T.) major in Physical Sciences.

Since 2013, she has been advocating art and creativity as an essential tool in the teaching and learning process by working with different organizations by conducting workshops for students and teachers. She was an art coach and LET review lecturer at MindGym Philippines where she held the first art workshop for teachers. She's the incoming secretary-general of the Philippine Association of Japanese Government Scholars (PHILAJAMES), a member of the International Society for Education through Art (INSEA), and former head of the UP Artists' Circle. She and her fellow advocate, Teacher Don Grajo are also part of the Philippine Art Awards' Art Teach Program (PAAFI), where they equip and empower public school teachers through their art workshops around the Philippines.

She was the former Art Teacher and Program Leader of the Visual and Performing Arts in One World School. In 2017, she helped develop the artistic potential of children of all abilities through the Nilay Art Exhibit in Nova Gallery Manila. She showcased the students' strengths, interests, and unique process of creating art, emphasizing authenticity and self-expression, recognizing that all are capable of contributing to society.

Teacher Precious aspires to improve the quality of Art Education in the Philippines by empowering students, parents, and teachers through Art.

Read more about Teacher Precious here.